Manuals Notion Ruby Mapping Public API Reference NotionRubyMapping idea note
Examples Database and page access sample

A linked view of the test database is placed at the bottom of this page. A link to the method reference is provided at the end of the description.

  1. Preparation (instance → self.instance → NotionCache, create_client → create_client(notion_token, wait: 0.1))

    require "notion_ruby_mapping"
    include NotionRubyMapping
    token = ENV["NOTION_API_TOKEN"]
    database_id = "c37a2c66e3aa4a0da44773de3b80c253" # ENV["DATABASE_ID"]
    NotionCache.instance.create_client token
  2. Retrieve a database (find → self.find(id, dry_run: false))

    db = Database.find database_id
  3. Obtain properties (properties → properties → PropertyCache)

    title_property =["Title"]
    => #<NotionRubyMapping::TitleProperty:0x0000000106f7d288 ...
    select_property =["SelectTitle"]
    #<NotionRubyMapping::SelectProperty:0x00000001055b3320 ...
  4. Query database without filter (query_database → query_database(query = nil, dry_run: false) → List)

    all_pages = db.query_database
    #<NotionRubyMapping::List:0x0000000106f9c890 ...
  5. Count all_pages (Enumerable → each { |item| ... } → self each → Enumerator)

    => 6
  6. Obtain all page title (Enumerable → each { |item| ... } → self each → Enumerator, title → title → String)
    => ["", "JKL", "MNO", "DEF", "GHI", "ABC"]
  7. Query database with filter (query_database → query_database(query = nil, dry_run: false) → List, filter_equals → , ascending → ascending(property) )

    select3_pages = db.query_database select_property.filter_equals("Select 3").ascending(title_property)
    #<NotionRubyMapping::List:0x000000010889ef28 ...
  8. Count select3_pages (Enumerable → each { |item| ... } → self each → Enumerator)

    => 2
  9. Obtain select3_pages title (Enumerable → each { |item| ... } → self each → Enumerator, title → title → String)
    => ["ABC", "MNO"]
  10. Obtain the first page (Enumerable → each { |item| ... } → self each → Enumerator)

    abc_page = select3_pages.first
  11. Obtain the multi_select_names of the page (properties → properties → PropertyCache, multi_select_names → multi_select_names → Array)["MultiSelectTitle"].multi_select_names
